Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lean mean walking machine

Now that I have this walking thing down, I LOVE IT. Here I am walking and talking on daddy's cellrunning away

I have also decided that it is fun to walk around carrying things. I was trying different objects out today to test myself. I definitely like this walking around with the sippy cup thing, very convenient

I am SO BIG! I like to throw my hands up to show I am "so big" when I am walking. Today I was also saying "go, go" while I walked. Cracked my parents right up.

Beach bums

Went to sebago with Tyler this past weekend. we brought our blue ball
I played with Tyler's mama, which was impressive, since usually I glower at people who aren't my family. She was fun

yeah being pretty at the beach

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Safe place

the other day big brother let me chill with him on the fouton while mama vacuumedwhat a nice big brother...oh how I love him

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What a day! part 1

(last wednesday)
After a nice nap in the car. then Ergo, I awoke to discover we were at the ocean for lunch. sweet. We brought a ball to keep occupied with.

mmmm lunch. Ok so I only ate the fruit, but still, I was happy with that much
smiling pretty for mama
sweet, a playground!

What a day! part 2

So after frolicking at the ocean we went berry picking. Mama was tired of bending over in the Ergo, and I was fidgity so she put me down near some bushes out of the aisle. hee hee heee mmmmmmmm picking berries this one is good. I wasn't always good at finding non-icky choices, so mama kept me in good supply. mmmmm
you want one too?

Don't I look sad to be leaving.......or something (I should know better than think she would smile for the camera when a stranger is holding it, I mean she usually does this growly look for strangers...sigh)

at the end of a day of adventure one needs a bath and some stickers to wind down. quite lovely

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sebago lake

Being mischievous at the state park

digging in the sand
daddy had jelly beans, I went to investigate

Playground fun

I really like the swings at the playground now, especially when I swing near my brotherI LOVE THE SLIDE! With or without mom the slide ROCKS!
modeling my cutie outfit from grammie. mom and dad call it my tennis outfit, they say I look like a tennis player in it ;)

Scenes from Ft williams

enjoying one of our favorite places last weekend. ahhh the ocean breezes, the kite flying, the being adorable....

July 4th, (catching up)

I was very excited to go berry picking on the 4th....mama's friend erin from her freshman year of college...from, ahem, "a while ago"
I inhaled every berry given to me, but was not in the mood to pick. I spent most of the time in the ergo. Erin helped mama pick.
back at the house for a bbq. Daddy smoked meat all day. it was GORGEOUS weather, cool and sunny. mama says I lucked out, no steamy PA summers for me.
eating w/ Isabel. well, mostly chucking my food on the ground. I've become rather "choosy" in my eating.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

bathing suit beauty

My cute facemama worries I am not covered up enough, she slathers me with lotion
not brave enough to go IN the pool, but I Like watching brucie play in it!