I like to talk alot, and even say some sentences like "a where-s dada?" when he is at work. I also love to try and repeat all things said to me so I can say diaper, wet, blocks, apple, up, help, please, thank you, papa, a version of Mummi that is just adorable, buddy/brsss for Bruce, ball, and a whole bunch of of other stuff.
I am obsessed with dogs, much like my kindred spirit Rose. I like to point wildly and say woof woof when I see one. Or yell- DOGGIE. I have a stuffed doggie I refer to as woof or doggie and two bears that I call b-rs. I like to carry all three at once, and sometimes my sippy cup at the same time. yeah....it's tricky. I also am very attached to a small finger puppet parrot which I refer to as a duckie.
I also like to demand music be played, especially on the record player in my folks room so I can dance (which I also say). I point wildly at the player and dance so they know what I want. I like to clap and dance to music, and the other day I tried tapping my feet to it as well. I love to play the drums. LOVE to plays the d-ums. Especially the djembe LOUDLY with my brother for a good long time. But I will also play the smaller ones. Let's see I also love stickers, I point wildly to my shirt and say sticker sticker whenever Bruce gets one or I see some stickers.
I also like to point out everyone's eyes, ears, nose mouth teeth and head reapeatedly. I just learned these words in the last week impressing my folks. I of course do none of this for other people, pretending to be shy. HA HA HA HA HA. Mama says I am EXTREMELY opinionated. It's called leadership mom, leadership....