Hi! I'm Gillian (
hard G) Elise Stevens. People call me Lily or Gillian. I was born Tuesday May 29th at 6:35am . I was 7lbs at birth and as of friday I was gaining back glouriously and weighed in at 6lbs 15ozs. That's pretty awesome (
babies often lose 10% of their weight in the first days and then need to meet it again by 7-10 days old) 
This is Cathy, the Nurse Midwife who delivered me, shown here at our home visit. She was fantastic (in mom's opinion) and helped me be born safely. I came super fast once mama arrived at the
Ballard House, and it took us all by surprise. What can I say, once I make up my mind to do something, I get it done. :) It's the Leadership genes.

This is the Birth Assistant Mid-wife Lindsay. She was wonderful also. She got us all settled in and then took good care of us afterwards when Cathy had to leave to help another mama somewhere else.

My big brother checking me out, he wasn't sure about me at first, but now he loves me.

Papa holding me for the first time, awww.

Cuddling with my daddy

Oh man, this is so the life. Kicking back relaxing with daddy and spidey....
Hi Gillian, it's Auntie Kate, your real and virtual Auntie in California. Believe it or not, when we meet in July I won't be wearing a screen on my head although that's mostly what you'll see me as for now. Love you bunches! You look pretty in pink! i found meanings for your name... 1. youth 2. down bearded youth (Irish) 3. Hebrew Gil- Joy 4. Likes clubbing,has a real wild streak that she tries to hide.
I didn't make that up. Let's stick with Joy?
Mommy is going to be very busy posting to two blogs!!! I love the pics, Gillian. :)) Beautiful girl. Love Gram B
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